Friday, February 6, 2015

To Find Favor in Him.

"For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7
A couple of nights ago a few friends and I got together for a super bowl party.  Bear with me, because I'm going to be embarrassingly honest here.  My co-worker threw the party and was excited that both I and her husband's friend would be there, because we are both single.  I already knew going in to the situation that I wasn't interested in the guy, not because he isn't a nice guy but just because we live our lives a little differently than the other, but she was persistent, still.  Once we got to the party he and I were casual but luckily he didn't know about the alterior motives my friend had.  A couple of hours into the party, I caught myself looking in the mirror in the bathroom and primping like us girls do.  For a split second I had the thought, "I don't even think he has noticed me tonight.  I sure wish I was skinnier and prettier and I should have done something different with my hair." 
Now, I had already told myself, and my friends, that I wasn't interested in this guy and he wasn't what I thought God had for me.  But yet I found myself looking for his approval anyway.  I didn't even notice what I did until I was on my way home.  I was driving and just thought to myself, "man, you miss the point every single day.  You were looking for the approval of man, yet again".  I made sure to stop right then and thank God that I don't have to concern myself with what others think of me, as long as who I am and what I do is pleasing to Him.
Way too often, we get so caught up on what others think of us that we forget who we are here to please.  We are called to work hard not to find favor with our co-workers and our bosses, but to find favor in Christ.  We are to live with pure hearts not so that those around us think we are good people, but so that we are pleasing to the Lord.  We are to do good and be kind and love others and give of ourselves not so that people like us, but so that Christ's love shows through us, and that by us, others may find Jesus.
I hope that today you realize that you don't need man's approval.  This world is deceitful and ugly and temporary.  The Son of God came and was killed, because He likes you and me that much!  Let's work toward pleasing the One who gave up His life for us, rather than those who are always going to find flaws in us despite our best efforts.
I love you and I'm praying for you!

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